2025 ERICD Seedling Sale
April 12, 2025
Greenvale Vineyards
582 Wapping Road, Portsmouth, RI 02871
Explore our Seedling Sale Plant Catalog
Find our 2025 Earth Month- Native Plant Seedling Sale offerings in the shop catalog linked below and order yours today.

How the Sale Works
Online sales are considered pre-orders. You must come pick up your order in-person at the ERICD Seedling Sale between 10:00AM-12:00PM on April 12.
*There is no delivery option for your seedling pre-order, you must pick them up yourself on our seedling sale date. Any seedlings that are not picked up will be considered a donation to ERICD's educational farm program.*
Online sales will close April 10th at 12:00PM. A limited amount of seedlings may be available on the day of the sale, unless we sell out, so order early!
Contact Ally at acuomo.ericd@gmail.com with questions.

Conserving Rhode Island
The Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District strives to promote and improve long-lasting and environmentally-friendly practices that protect natural resources such as soil, water, and air.
The function of the Conservation District is to take available technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, and focus or coordinate these resources to meet the needs of the local land user and promote the conservation of soil, water and other natural resources.